Sooooo American??

Just where did this idea of sticking exercise equipment in the middle of a park come from?  America of course.  Where else?  When Ann lived in America in 1992/3 the parks were full of stuff like this.

Personally, Ann doesn't see the point of it.  If you've already walked halfway through a park to get to an exercise bike, are you really going to stop and do a workout?  You're in the park having a walk. You're not in the park thinking; 'Oh I'm out for a walk. I wonder if there's going to be any gym equipment half way through my walk?'  Has anyone ever seen anyone using any of this fitness equipment that is popping up in parks all over the country?

So what do you think Blippers?  Good idea or the silliest idea in the world?

PS - Obviously because I am a gorgeous little collie dog exercise bikes mean nothing to me.  I'd rather have a good old splish, splash, splosh in the burn!!!

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