Excitement on the Railway

Woke up to a day that's stayed near freezing; in the end, decided to walk as the only way to get warm. Went up from the river to the old railway line (built in 1908; abandoned in 1987) - never saw a soul, and at one point, while taking photos of the river far below, heard the distinct snuffling of wild pigs. Looked around for M, no sign of him... we'd heard these pigs can attack, but I thought, surely I'd have heard a scream or something... anyway, eventually found him backing carefully away from a wallow - even he had decided that not really worth the risk of getting too close.

When we'd walked back far enough to not keep looking over our shoulders, found a sunny spot to drink our hot chocolate with added pepper sauce. Must admit, though, this photo would look a lot better with a wild pig and her piglets walking towards us...

Now to warm this house up to receive the group tonight.

PS Just seen that yesterday's photo is on first popular page - wow, and thanks - feeling very honoured.

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