Crazy About Birds

By Kimb

Once A Week 2017 ~ #2 ~ 11:57 AM

Another gloomy Tuesday. I am, however, delighted that this rainy gloom isn't snow! Note that you can't even see the itty bitty tip of that mountain/foothill that would be in the thumbnail if it weren't invisible today because of the cloud cover.

I was a touch later getting home today than last week/usual because of having to spend a rather large annoying chunk of time sitting waiting at the Walgreens Drug Store that is rather completely out of my way. Why? Because the VDGIF (Virginia Department of Game & Inland Fisheries) in its wisdom has decided that all volunteers at The Wildlife Center who actually come in contact with wildlife must now be rabies vaccinated. For the previous five years I've been volunteering and just not allowed to hold mammals, but that is no longer permitted! Thus - I ended up after numerous phone calls and irritation determining that the easiest way for me to get vaccinated is to have it done at Walgreens where they both carry the stuff and will administer it. It should be noted that it is NOT CHEAP. And that, further, insurance will not cover it. So I'd better be hale and healthy and hearty enough to go on volunteering over there for a good many years or else I'll feel like I really didn't get my money's worth. It is a series of three injections. I'll have another next week and the third on February 14th. Happy Valentine's Day! Anyhoo. The upside is that I will soon be able to get my (gloved) hands on squirrels, opossums, rabbits, chipmunks, bats, groundhogs, beavers, foxes, coyotes, and... bears! Yippee!!

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