G & T

Today's the day ........................ for an aperitif

Sometimes there are days that, when you get to this stage of it - the only thing that's going to help is a gin and tonic.

I blame my parents for instilling (or should that be distilling?) this way of thinking into my psyche from an early age.  The G & T was a twice daily ritual in their house.  They even had a cupboard in the kitchen that was entirely given over to the provision of it.  Nowadays, the market for different sorts of gin is expanding rapidly.  It was one of the tasks given to the Apprentice  candidates to concoct and market a new brand.

The one here tonight is a favourite of ours, made in Spain, and called Rambla 41.  It's flavoured with rosemary, thyme, fennel and almonds - and it's hitting the spot very nicely ........................... 

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