
By Cigs

Portobello High Street

Continuing the Winter Cigs Season, and we're back to Porty High St.

As you read this I am slumped in the annual divisional rah rah rah session with my employer. Lots of managers telling us we've never had it so good, ahead of the next round of cutbacks in April when they'l be looking to shed staff again. How productivity is up, sickness leave is down. And ignoring low morale, customer dissatisfaction and all the while doing nothing more than ticking boxes and hating that they have to jump through these hoops too. Why do we put ourselves through this? 

Only recently they did away with annual appraisals as all the feedback they got was they were pointless. Why wait 11 months to tell me I'm shit when you could do it now? See also praise. Oh. Wait. Hang on. 

Anyway. It gave me the opportunity to cease working from home to head into the corporate HQ and whilst I was doing so I hooked up with Baz - out for his lunchtime wander with Herbie. He went yesterday for his annual gee up session. He's seen here getting the post session medicine prescribed by his doctor. 

Anyway, back to sleep for another hour before we 'break out' and have sessions 'facilitated' by managers who are seeking our' positive feedback' and 'blue sky thinking' so they can claim all the glory when they hit upon a great new way of fucking things up.

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