Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Cake mix bonanza!

JR was baking this morning. A chocolate cake and some extra cupcakes. When I eventually wandered into the kitchen, it was to a barrage of bad words, while JR appeared to be pouring chocolate cake mix all over the kitchen bench. In actual fact, she was pouring (or trying to) the mixture back into the bowl, and even emptying the cupcakes. What a chocolatey mess!

She had forgotten to put butter in! But what a bonanza for me, the cake mixture lover. I had the best time!

Zoe came for lunch, and it was nice to catch up. We'd given Leo our old iPad at Christmas, and he's loving it. He can now even FaceTime his cousins in America!

We walked back over the Links to see Zoe on to the bus. It was such a sunny day - not even cold. Archie had a good run around between us, then they walked on round to the Meadows, where they met Rufus and his mum. I went home. I find I get very tired when out walking, and usually can't wait to get home again. Wonder when this tiredness will go away.

Talking of tiredness, I had to listen to THREE afternoon dramas on my phone last night, one hour each, and still wasn't asleep!

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