Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

St. James Church. Accrington.

It was a much milder day, but not sunny, and quite low light.
I got my washing and cleaning done, changed the cat litter, cleaned up the garden, brought in the recycling containers, and then after lunch, I went on the train to Accrington. I picked up a volunteering form from the Salvation Army shop, and shall fill that in this evening. It is a well lit shop, with several customers. The radio station in the shop was easy listening, so that was reassuring. I do not like musak, or noisy, heavy beat music.  I had a pleasant wander through the Arndale shopping area, and things looked quiet, and had a post Christmas subduedness. The card shops are springing to life with Valentines cards, and I bought a little owl purse from the Peacock sale.
The photo today shows St. James church, right in the centre of town. The surface of the paving stones was covered in an invisible sludge and I nearly fell backwards as I read and photoed the history of the church. The paving stones need power jet cleaning!
I look forward to seeing all the white and purple crocuses that come up in the grassed area, and then the daffodils.
When I got back home, Arthur was ready for a meal, so I fed him and made myself a cup of coffee, and then phoned my Mum for a nice chat.
Have a good week blipper friends.

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