January, sick & tired, you've been hanging......

When I was chatting to my g/daughter last night, (we chat every day) I asked her if she wanted to come to the gym with me. She has an exam on Wednesday, and I thought that maybe an hour out would be good. She thought it was a good idea, and it was nice to have some girly time. I did see Mike  & Des, but my priority was to show her the ropes, so to speak. She has been on the bike and cross trainer before, and she did really well. J met us, and dropped her home. As soon as we got in, we had a coffee, and J made us some eggy bread. It went down a treat. This afternoon, we went to Porthcawl, and for once, I wasn't cold.I know I have done the lighthouse many times, but it always looks different, depending on the light. We are having salmon tonight,with whole grain mustard spread over it,  a baked potato, and no wine. A change is as good as a rest, isn't it?

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