New toy

Mr T has returned from the recent Autosport show full of enthusiasm for the racing year ahead in his Caterham and full of ideas for next year!
He also got a whole loads of brochures and contacts, race clothing and this wee 360 camera which I can't wait to play with. Predominantly for driving footage but I'm hopeful that we can mount on a collar for Cooper.
Blipping a day late as suffered from a technically challenging day yesterday with one issue following another - delayed effects from Friday 13th??? Don't get me wrong these were not life threatening but took up a large proportion of the day which should have been more relaxing.
Our satellite dish seemed to have moved position which required some adjustment. Unfortunately we didn't realise there was some corrosion within the unit which the minute we touched it stopped it from working altogether. Replacement ordered but meanwhile living in the AEON we're reliant on the Internet to get contact with the outside world. We then discovered that the video card on the pc had blown. Next plan was to resurrect my old laptop to connect to our system. It needed umpteen updates before it would work but finally we could watch a bit of live TV. It would be so much simpler if we had an actual telly! We both needed to do a bit of online work so ended up watching DVDs so that full broadband available! Local Hero improved our mood :-))

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