Constant Exposure

By constant

You Look'n at Me?

One of the many things I love about Emma is her frown. She's quite a serious little girl and can flash you her fierce "back off" frown when she needs to. And she means it.

We went downtown and she insisted that she wear her blanket. I just hope she's not in training to be a homeless person. Anyway, whatever was going through her mind, it was blip worthy. Thanks, Em.

On the snow front it looks like the Fat Lady is about to finally sing. Our street got ploughed so we can drive down our hill now. The temperatures should get into the 40's so life for us will be back to normal. Yay!

I'm really not happy with B&W processing in Lightroom. I have to track down a good Photoshop book on B&W processing.

[Okay, I've re-edited the image using PS Channel Mixer and Curves. I like it a lot better but it's still a lot of work. I'll checkout that Silver Efex Pro plugin. If it's really good and saves me time then I might splash out for it.... I'll keep you posted.]

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