I do not remember sun anymore...

An easy sunday. Unfortunately I felt quite tired after the work week and yesterday drive to Helsinki and back. So I slept late. Very late. Too late almost. 

Anyway hubby had to go for work already early - he has 11 days work in a row. I'd hate to live like that, maybe. I am getting old and I admit it...

But lazy sunday for me: Only thing that I really have done today was, that I washed the car after the slush and mud dive yesterday. I noticed in daylight that you hardly could see out from side windows, but after my indoor hall handwash it became shiny and bright. 

And I made a short walk to the lake. So many skaters on ice today. Lovely weather for winter sports.

Made some dinner (potatoe - ham stew with cream and blackpepper) for hubby and my son in the late afternoon, some salad too - and we had sauna in the evening. And I made fruitsalad for dessert too. 


Feels a bit odd and yet so normal that our daughter with the boyfriend is in the capital again. 

-5c in the afternoon. Getting colder in the evening.

A big thank you for visiting my site again. And let me thank you for being here, blipping. I honestly have to tell how nice it is to be here with you, to have you around. Your bright bilps make my day as I do not remember anymore what sun looks like. 


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