Wearing purple...

By 60plus10

Drive by dereliction...

...at Thurgoland crossroads today...
This shot has been on my derelict list for a while, but today we happened to be at the crossroads on red, and I was the passenger - so voila!
It is a shot of the Old Co-op Store, which has been shut now for years. The scuttlebutt is that the place was raided when the police helicopter detected an unwarranted heat signature from the flat above... and discovered a cannabis factory. The owners of the shop pleaded no knowledge of the goings on in said flat - but the shop has been shut ever since. This has probably done Thurgoland a favour, as the garage has become the go to place for groceries - and it's much better stocked than the corner shop ever was ;)
Back home safe & sound after our ski trip, mended phone retrieved, washer hitting warp factor, and if our broadband speeds up at all I'll catch up on some of your journals this evening - looking forward to finding out what's been going on in Blipland ;)

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