Cooling off
Finished the area of garden I had been working on today and whilst there's still plenty to be doen in other areas, I'm pleasaed with the way this area looks now. Lawns mowed too - very nice :)
Have to admit I was almost ready to throw the towel in around mid afternoon when the temperature reached a tad under 30 degrees (accoring to the thermometer outside my back door). It certainly made me feel like I was working pretty hard!
Sprinklers on to provide some refreshment for the new plantings and of course, the old plantings benefited too. I can never remember what this plant is called but it's not a nemesia! That's what I usually want to call it.
Was hoping for a more sparkly look in the image but given the lateness of shooting I just had to take what was on offer. Maybe tomorrow....?
I suspect it will be an uncomfortably warm night tonight........a real 'sheet kicker' as Jim Hickey would say! May need the sprinklers again tomorrow at breakfast.
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