The Irony
I joined a throng of other procrastinators at the Whatcom Museum Lightcatcher Building this afternoon to see National Geographic's 50 Greatest Photographs.
When I saw this photo from the far side of the gallery, I thought it was very mundane. Even when I walked closer, I didn't immediately notice that every child has a malformed left forearm, thought to be caused by some kind of pollution. They are all about the same age, and came from two neighborhoods in Moscow.
Here's the irony. The New York Times had an article today about the Chump's nominee, Scott Pruitt, for leadership of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). As attorney general of Oklahoma, Pruitt has been more concerned with assisting polluting companies than protecting the environment, and has benefited by contributions from those companies.
In case you don't have time -- or the inclination -- to read the linked NYT article, this quotation is an effective summary: His antipathy to federal regulation — he sued the Environmental Protection Agency 14 times — in many ways defined his tenure as Oklahoma’s attorney general.
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