Sam is 15!

Finally, after years of waiting, Sam gets a birthday that falls on a weekend so he can celebrate with family without pesky work or school business interfering. But then what goes and happens? Prelims, that's what, looming large next week. So he spent the first couple of hours in the morning with Granda talking maths and chemistry, before Granda whizzed down to Bathgate for more top action table tennis tournaments to keep his place in the national team.

But back to Sam and after a quick lunchtime birthday cake with Gma and Gda it was Yo Sushi time in town with his other Grandma and cousin Anna, before heading off to spend his birthday loot on graphics cards and other such stuff.

Oh, and the snow came. He woke up to a winter wonderland; snow for your birthday, that's what we all want. (Well, actually a snow day on a school/work day is what we all want, a mass North East day of pjs, duvets and chocolate biscuits, we're overdue it by three years now so come on thunder snow gods, sort it out).

Happy birthday Sam! 15 years old!

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