Zen dog

By VOC93


Yesterday was a great day - We got put into families with superhero names - My family has 8 brothers and sisters and 2 dads, and we're called Wonder Woman!

The aim of this week is to be awarded as many medals as possible, and on Friday they'll be counted up and the winning family get their name on a silver cup. quite cool really.

So yesterday we had a culture day, where we had to make an international dish. We made spanish omelet which turned out to be very yummy. Then after that we went out to buy some torches and had a flashlight party in one of the bars.

It was great fun but everyone was feeling a bit rough this morning!!

I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise - I have an awesome room.

I also took another photo today and it was tough deciding which one to use! You can see my other one here on Blipfolio

Today was a great day!

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