Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Through the looking glass...

In 2004 I bought a Nikon E5000, an ugly little thing but in it's day it was a fine performer for me. Sadly by 2007 it was struggling, too many trips to humid places and it was showing signs of despair, rusting screws in particular. On its final outing to Singapore it gave up. The extending lens came out for some night shots of the Marina Conference Centre and stayed there. Then the metering went haywire and it died.

When I got home I took it to Bonsers in Newcastle, Peter looked at it, smiled sympathetically and muttered "Bin it". I came out with a shiny new Canon G9.

Curious to understand why the old E5000 had failed I dismantled it but never saw anything significant - it had simply had enough. I kept the glass, just incase, though just incase of what I can't think. Anyway yesterday I was having a spring clean in the office and found the glass in a drawer. As a tribute to my little Nikon here's the last picture ever taken through its tiny lens.

The eagle eyed will see that it has taken a pic of its own innards - the rest of the lens glass. Macabre!

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