I'm Watching
I stood a few feet away from he hummingbird feeder with the sun to my back and stalked this black-chinned hummingbird. Because I was so close, I stood as motionless as possible so she would return. And she did, several times. I put a shot of her in a different pose as an extra. I took about thirty shots but how many can you use?!
I've been having trouble with a "tickle" in my throat which has been throwing me into coughing fits. I have a high end air scrubber on my furnace and a quality electrostatic filter, too. Since it seemed I was breathing in dust, I requested a service call. Sure enough, the scrubber was broken and the filter clogged. Naturally, they were out of warranty. It was worth the cost of repair to be able to breathe a bit better in my house. Unfortunately, I think I'll still need to see my doctor.
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