big hot sky
Black Springs, SA
a little expedition with my mother to find the church at Black Springs, so she could take photographs of it and make paintings later. Black Springs, it turns out is a one horse town, just off the main road to Burra and Broken Hill. Actually, it had more horses than houses, so really, it is a one house town. Slowly turning into a locality rather than a hamlet. I'm guessing one day it will just be sheep, robot grain harvesters and kangaroos. Probably the church will be the only thing standing.
We drove out the back road into the valley beyond, and went for an explore, past a salt lake, wind turbines and wooded ridges. The day just kept getting hotter, and windier, and my car dustier and dustier. We drove up a dirt track to get a view down the valley, but a fallen tree blocked our way eventually. It was such a joy to motor along back roads. I've included a couple of extras for effect.
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