Confused yet:)..?

By Angelabc2378

Anyone See a Fire????

So, I'm just finished a very busy and hectic day.....
Started at 12, and set up for another wedding of 150 guests...they arrived at 2pm, and everything was business as usual until the head chef said he could smell an electrical burning smell.....hmmmmnever a good sign...
Anyway, as I was duty manager, it was up to me to sort out the fault.
One of the electrical panels in the hotel was extremely hot and smelly, so, as a precaution, I had to call the fire brigade....picture it...3 fire engines arriving with full blues and twos, closely followed by the bride and groom, wedding party, and a full lunch service !!!
Anyway, the fire marshall wasn't happy, the box was at a very high temperature, and rising gradually, and this was going to trigger the fire alarms, not to mention a fire, if not sorted....time to call in Scottish power....
Meanwhile by this stage the wedding was in full flow, the starters were being served!!!!

We were told, the power in the whole hotel was going to have to be shut down in order to sort the problem...arrghh, never what you want to hear....but we had no choice!!!!
The bride and groom were informed, who thought it was hilarious... main course was successfully served, and the hotel instantly went into shut down.....
Luckily the dessert was a cold one, followed by speeches in semi candle light, toilet trips in semi and sometimes complete darknessand turn around for the dancing much the same.
Thankfully, full power was restored, just as the band arrived, and I may report the rest of the evening went without a hitch!!!!
Dinner service was effected until 8pm, but the potential diners weren't that bothered....maybe due to the complimentary champagne and
Anyway, it's now 12:45, and I'm heading home for a well deserved drink, promptly followed by a semi nervous could have been worse I'm sure...must remember tomorrow and put away the 5 dozen umbrellas we had at the ready.....just in

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