
By lynnjones7186

Buddah Park

Today we took an hours ride in a tuk tuk to Buddha Park.  It contains many interesting sculptures.  It far succeeded our expectations.  One of the main exhibits was a huge pumpkin that you could go into and climb to the top of, it represents hell, earth and heaven, the steps were very narrow and steep, consequently I did not make it past hell. My shot shows a very small part of the park, we spent over an hour there.  The drive there was a real insight to life in Vientiene.  We saw lots of cattle and goats wandering about and of course Cockrells. It is a very poor country and many of the roads are more or less dirt tracks. The road follows the Meekong River for part of the way and we could see Thailand.  We passed under the Friendship Bridge which joins the two countries.  We  also passed the factory that produces the national beer and a tobacco plant.  

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