Most welcome swallow

A flash of orange
A hint of blue, a bright eye
Most welcome swallow

After the walking group cancelled the walk into the Richmond hills because bad weather was forecast I decided I would walk right round the estuary. I took the camera but after a few shots put it back in the bag until close to the end a welcome swallow flew in and sat on the ledge of the flood gates. Gently I got the camera out, took a few shots, changed the settings, crept closer. Looking through the bars at first but eventually I went over the top and he just sat. How good was that.

We whizzed off to Nelson hospital this afternoon for another of Trev's foot appointments. Got caught in slow moving traffic so home lateish.
Thank goodness I had tea ready to go.

I did have time for a quick sortie in fashion shop and scored some trousers on special and I had a loyalty voucher waiting for me too so now I'm off to buy a lotto ticket.

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