
Wednesday 11th January 2017 (1600)

Oops - just realised that yesterday's blip was posted to 11th January by mistake, must have gone over midnight when I took the photo. Told you I was half asleep. So this is Wed 11th posted against 10th. 

1600 blips! 

First picture with new camera. Considering the glare on the window and the fact that the wind was blowing the nuts back and forth it isn't too bad. Didn't have long to test it. Tried again later between meetings with the moon, wow the zoom is much bigger! 

Verdict so far - extra wide angle great, superzoom great. Haven't had time to try anything else. Yesterday's problem still there, a lot of noise on the screen in low light very distracting, didn't have that with the other camera. Kevin - if you're reading this do you find you get noise on the LCD screen?

Extremely long day and I haven't finished yet. Have to be up extra early too! Wasn't sure I wanted to get up this morning, the wind sounded frightening! 

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