Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Best buddies

Since baby Caleb has been on the scene, these two (Poppy and Oscar) have been inseparable. Poppy is protective of Caleb, ears pricked at every cry and whimper; Oscar tends to sit or be near our daughter. :)

Today we had a visit from "Babcock" - the organisation that support any maintenance for army quarters. Our daughter and son-in-law live in a 2 bedroom house with stairs going up to an attic and stairs going down to a cellar (each floor able to be used i.e. good ceiling height). Yesterday late afternoon, an offensive smell was coming from the cellar, Babcock visited this morning and part of the drain is cracked. This has resulted in the toilet being out of action upstairs, fortunately there is a downstairs cloakroom. They managed to clear some of the sewerage but more work needs to be done.

Caleb is feeding much better now that his tongue tie has been cut, which has added to the dilemma for our daughter on feeding. Whatever her decision, she knows she is making that informed decision from the advice given (professional, personal, friends). I'm sure it will be better when we leave - we are going to make ourselves scarce tomorrow, spot of retail therapy I think :)

Not looking forward to the weather reports - heavy snow in Germany due and the imminent forecast of snow in U.K.!!! Might have to stay a bit longer ........ lol :)


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