Tiny Tuesday .....

In preparation for today's Tiny Tuesday last night I asked R if there were any flowers on our plants downstairs .... we have pulled them all in for the cold winter months. 

He surprised me by saying ... yes, there is one tiny flower on one of the plants.  When I went down there this afternoon with my camera and the macro lens I was even more surprised to see not one tiny flower but two tiny flowers.   I spent a good while down there trying for just the right shot.  Later when I was looking at the shots on my laptop I noticed a bunch of tinier aphids on the plant.  You can see a very blurry one on the lower right leaf.  These aphids could not be seen with the naked eye! Well, at least I didn't see them!

As it's been a while (last Friday) since I have posted a squirrel, I have added an extra of one of my tiny ones enjoying some corn. 

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