
By SecondSeason

This little light of mine...

The past few weeks I've been reflecting on the word 'kindness'.  What does it mean to be kind.  It's made me reevaluate my thoughts, words and actions and the realization that the act of kindness or just being kind, is not so much about do-ing, but more about be-ing.  I believe it comes out of the depth of who we are...and perhaps how we'd like to be treated.  Can we get over ourselves and the selfishness that seems to be deeply rooted within our souls that wants 'me' first?  (Or maybe it's just my soul. :)  I find that in being kind, inevitably kindness is returned.  In being loving, I am loved.  If I extend compassion to someone hurting, then perhaps I too will receive compassion at some point in return.  Even if I don't, it should be okay.  It will be okay.  I believe the same principle applies in being generous, grateful, encouraging, nice, faithful, gentle, calm, happy...the list is endless.  Granted, there are times I choose to wallow and seemingly enjoy my own bitchy self, but when I do come around and/or have been on the receiving end of someone's kindness, I can't help but snap out of it.  I'm so grateful for life's little lessons and revelations.

I know the the little lantern in this image is crooked.  It's intentional.  Because for this perfectionist, it illustrates that I am not perfect, will never be but can still let my light shine...if I just be.

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