I sit beside the fire and think

I sit beside the fire and think 
   of all that I have seen, 
of meadow-flowers and butterflies 
   in summers that have been;

Of yellow leaves and gossamer 
   in autumns that there were, 
with morning mist and silver sun 
   and wind upon my hair.
I sit beside the fire and think 
   of how the world will be 
when winter comes without a spring 
   that I shall ever see.
For still there are so many things 
   that I have never seen: 
in every wood in every spring 
   there is a different green.
I sit beside the fire and think 
   of people long ago, 
and people who will see a world 
   that I shall never know.
But all the while I sit and think 
   of times there were before 
I listen for returning feet 
   and voices at the door.

-- J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring
Book II, Chapter III, The Ring Goes South, 
Bilbo's lament upon passing the Ring, and the Quest, to Frodo.

I have always loved this poem and it has always stayed with with me since I first read it over forty years ago.

We have had a meeting to get our barcoded labels sorted out for this Spring.Helen has been transplanting.I went with Em to sort her phone out.

Summer Lightning This song by Garnet Rogers is fantastic.Wonderful words.Nice to listen to in front of the fire on a winters night.I find that the programmes on the TV now are terrible and the news only give you something else to worry about.Life is to short to watch such crap dressed up as entertainment.

Mild and windy.

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