Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2017 Saturday -- Memorial Celebration

Today we watched via live-streaming media the celebration that happened at the Crossings Church in Las Vegas, Nevada, for the man, Tim Coop, who was our Senior Pastor in Corona from 1970 to 1992. He had major cancer surgery 5-years-ago this past September, for esophagus cancer, and about 12 months ago the cancer was again detected. For the past four months he has been on hospice.

Tim was a bigger-than-life individual who loved everyone who got in front of him. He did not have an ounce of "judgemental-ness" in him. He just loved people. He gave the best hugs of anyone I've ever known. His laughter was infectious.

He walked into Heaven on the afternoon of Christmas Eve, which was more than fitting because for years he lead the most wonderful candlelight Christmas Eve Worship Celebrations and he loved being at those moments.

The photo on the bottom of the collage was a capture I got from the slide show shown during today's celebration showing him years ago when he and his family were on the TV program, Jeopardy.

When Tim left Corona it was to lead a church in Tucson, Arizona. He was there 17 years and then retired to Las Vegas because both of his daughters and their families live there. Very quickly the Crossings Church in Las Vegas put Tim on their staff, and I think he often did the preaching even though he was not the senior pastor.

Today's celebration was streamed to the churches in Tucson and Corona and for anyone who wanted to tune it in. We watched it here on the Central Coast.

Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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