The Phoenix Rises

By sheilaM

Evi does 21

What a wonderful day,cake,night,party.

Evi the self confessed Dr and Harry Potter fan, had a cake which was made by a friend of her parents, with no less than David Tenant outside the Tardis.

Ally was quite disappointed that no one seemed to get his joke about the tardis cake, "This is much more than just a cake". It certainly was big, even on the outside and was to die for. Moist lemon cake, with a ton of icing.

The evening meal and Jenga party was fun, even if Kris (the puppy) nearly jumped out of her skin when the piano man started playing. Once the mic volume was turned down to 'talking over' decibels she was happier. 

Evi and Gavin enjoyed their friends and family around them. I have the video to prove it. Kris behaved beautifully and managed to jump her way home with frisky energy, that belied her tiredness. I on the other hand.....

Thanks for having us Evi and not just Kris!

As aye


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