A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Left on a Jet Plane

Not me. Clearly. And not the right direction for Carl's plane as he has headed West to San Francisco. But it was about the right time he was taking off as me and Albi dodged the Chinese lantern festival installation at Chiswick House. Don't be misled by this image. There is so much of that I will probably spend the whole month of February blipping it.

So whilst Carl has sat in a plane I have (in random order):
- nursed the boy whose cold returned with a vengeance today
- got beaten by the boy at chess. Twice.
- beat my godson at Downfall. Twice.
- investigated options for taking steps towards a career change
- cooked lunch, dinner and made a splendid batch of the very lovely breakfast muffins.
- bought music books
- painted my nails
- did a little work
- read the lovely book
- replied to an annoying email from the hospital
- walked the dog
- loaded, unloaded, loaded the dishwasher
- played another stage of Bioshock 1
- discussed options for funding a production at our local theatre
- started Season 2 of Pretty Little Liars

And blipped.

Lesley x

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