Karen's New Hoose

It was pouring down first thing this morning.  It finally dried up, and the skies cleared, with some sunshine.  A breezy evening, but still dry.

I've been working all day in the museum office.  Plenty to keep me busy, even more photo donations to get through.  It's been a lazy evening at home, but will have to get organised and head to the squad meeting, it's out first run through of the act.  After the meeting, I'm working in the pub.

I popped down the road at lunchtime, and headed to sister Laura's.  Mam was also there for lunch too.  Below Laura's house, our cousin Karen Jarmson is building her home.  The site has been cleared, and now the foundations are up.  It's fairly coming on, and always great to have family for a neighbour.  Taken in the Blett road, Cunningsburgh.

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