Viburnum bodnantense
Today's the day .......................... to cheer
What would we do in this garden if we didn't have Viburnum x bodnantense 'Dawn' to get us through the dark days of winter?
It belongs to the same family as honeysuckle, and it grows well here. In fact I would say that over the years we have had it in the back garden, it has grown to be a small tree rather than a shrub. All through the winter it has very fragrant, pretty pink blossom which can be quite spectacular - and very cheering when you feel that spring is a long time away yet.
The flowers are generally frost resistant, but even if they do get frosted, more soon open within a few days. And while you're at it - cut a few sprigs for the house – as cut flowers they last a long time and that delicious scent will be transferred indoors .......................
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