Karma, karma, karma karma Camellia

Up really early this morning, as I had to be at the doc's by 8.30am (just a review)  Getting up early was never a struggle when I was working, but now, well, that's another story. I  am so lucky to have such a good doctor, and I really can talk to her about anything. I then walked down to the gym, and afterwards went to the library. I couldn't take any photos, as it was raining persistently. I came straight home, and while I was out, J had prepared the filling for corned beef pie. He then spent the rest of the morning baking. yes, I know, I'm lucky  He finished off making the pie, and then made a quiche, and because he had some potatoes left,( he hates waste) he made some potato, bacon & cheese cakes. As I had had my breakfast so early, I was starving, and as he had made a taster pastie, we ate half each for lunch. It was so delicious, that I couldn't wait for it to cool. It didn't touch the sides! The rain was still hammering down, and I couldn't think what to blip, but luckily, the sun came out this afternoon, so I went down the garden, and took this shot of the Camellia, that we planted, in memory of my Mum. Problem  sorted.

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