noble maggie

By maggiesays


Picking up, on the other hand...

We live quite close to the Creamfields festival site. Every year, the preparations begin about two weeks before the event, not long after the harvest of whatever is in the field near the road. Gradually the barriers, road signs, cherry-pickers, tents, lights, security, chuck-wagons and finally van-loads of young people pop up all over the place. Roads are closed (much to the annoyance of those who live along them, no doubt) and police lurk behind every bush. Drugs will certainly be taken.
But it seems to me that the vast majority of those attending just want to enjoy themselves with their friends for a couple of days. I hope I'm right. We sometimes hear the thump of the bass through the night, but it depends which way the wind is blowing. Last night there was little wind but steady rain.
The festival goers seem to arrive in single-sex groups. The guys look like they are going camping. The girls look like they are going camping from the knees down, but clubbing, from the knees up!

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