Growing old disgracefully



With guests gone, sheets washed, rooms aired, it was time to rearrange the VIPs books. He has had the lowest shelf in the bookcase for some time, but we moved the sofa and access to the bookcase involves a clamber over the sofa - great fun, but not a pre-bedtime calming-down activity. The solution was to clear out all the adult coffee table books from the shelf under the glass top of the table. While he still likes loves Julia Donaldson (who doesn't?) he is gender stereotypical in preferring information books to fiction. His hot current favourites are the Usborne lift the flap series. I got him the Planet Earth one from the library this week and can't wait to share it with him tomorrow.

Much needed down time
Being gifted four lovely books about Arran
Soft gentle rain - I was too tired to work in the garden anyway

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