
....into the foam pit!
We had a really full day today. The girls had tennis lessons in the morning, followed by Addy's guitar lesson; home for lunch then off to their birthday party at the gymnastics academy with the girls from both of their classes. You haven't lived until you spend time with 20  seven- &- eight- year- olds  all running around like a bunch of crazy people!! Ha! Here's Ella jumping from the trampoline into the pit full of foam squares! All the girls said they had a great time! We cleaned up the party room after everyone had left, and then headed over to see how their new house is progressing--I couldn't believe how much further along it is from just a little over a month ago--it's huge! I was joking that I could come spend a month & they'd never even know I was in the house! 
Courtney & Matt dropped us all back at their rental house, then went out to dinner while I made dinner at home for the girls, followed by our building a few things with some leggos, having a "drawing contest" judged by grandpa, making popcorn, watching a movie, and then bedtime for the girls..... followed shortly by their tired grandparents! :))

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