
By sarah1708

Sunny Cambridge

I showed my mum and dad around lots of the colleges today. At each one, my mum counted up how much we had saved through me being a student and getting myself and two guests in for free. My dad loved it as he really enjoys visiting old buildings and chapels - and there are a lot here! We then went over to the Fitzwilliam museum and looked around there for a while. We were in for about an hour and a half which was more than long enough for me, but my dad said that he missed out on a lot of things that he wanted to look at. We have therefore decided that next December I will go shopping with my mum and sister, and my dad can have a look around the Fitzwilliam again on his own! 

We had a late lunch in Browns before they went home and I finished off my deadline. It will be nice to have more spare time for a while now. This week I have statistics labs 2-5 and then I start with my new lab rotation the week after. Lots of time until my next deadline (which is due in 13 weeks)! 

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