I was going to meet a friend who also has a Welsh Terrier for a walk but it was a dismal start to the day so I postponed it.
In fact it was wet all day.
I went to the recycling centre with some of the rubbish from the house. I met a nice lady who had an Airedale called Holly. She was lovely. There were lots of Christmas trees being disposed of - real and fake.
I was going to plant the tub with all of the bulbs that David liked and these polyanthas will go on the top. Everything takes longer that you think it should.
They'll need to wait a little bit longer.
Back to London tomorrow.
Thank you for your continued support.
PS i look like me today
PPS David's Monkey Puzzle tree is looking well
PPPS Thank you for all of the suggestions for new names for Moose. My daughter has suggested that as she has a rose in her hair that we call her after one. Do you have a favourite one?
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