Roly's Life

By Roly

Proper Posh innit!

MrRoly has been fancying a wine fridge for ages - years - but has never got one as they are too expensive. As we sat up last night watching 'Alpha Papa' awaiting Eldest to return from a party, this little beauty popped up on our local Facebook selling page.

In theory it only cost £50 but that doesn't take into account the new whirley thing for the cupboard, the new bit of 'worktop' and the entire day lost to getting the job done!

Anyway, almost everyone is happy today - The Boy's computer bits started to arrive, 2 Furbys arrived for Princess and Smallest and my new bed slats arrived. The almost is down to my slight disappointment at us running out of time to sort out our bed. Never mind, I can have a perfectly chilled glass of vino instead...

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