Up at a reasonable hour to ice CarbBoy's first birthday cake (I suspect there will be others), then a cake lunch with singing and some pre-presents. Obviously there was then a spell of time setting up the new PS4 and playing some unimaginably violent game.
A quick walk, with surprisingly few birds (and surprisingly few clothes too, since the icy weather has loosened its grip) including checking out the local graveyard (a cheerier experience than you might imagine despite one of the recent inhabitants being known to me).
Then a return through the wild area at the bottom of our garden. In its heyday this would have been the productive part of the garden for the Big House. Today we failed to find the cold frames that Mr B remembers seeing, but did find the little hut.
Once released from world of brambles, home for roast lamb, an unwise movie (Alien -TallGirl's hates gory stuff and they both found it dull) a nature show and soon the weekend draws to a close. But not before TallGirl's nearly dies laughing at my gopher impression, and we (not unrelated though I'll be impressed/worried if anyone gets the link) invented a new (untried) cocktail: the Marmotini, which is a classic dry vodka martini with an olive dipped in marmite.
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