Growing old disgracefully



Christmas is still a big thing in Malaga. Some of the smaller streets have themed decorations. I wonder at the community collaboration required to decide on the theme and negotiate hanging the decorations from neighbours' balconies.

We slept in this morning and I missed my morning constitutional, so we bussed up Gilbafaro and walked down instead.

Later we strolled through the city streets and I went into a shop to buy a scarf while the Prof waited outside. I emerged and asked him to hold my purse while I organised my change. He didn't reply and I glanced upward to find I was speaking to a complete stranger. He very gallantly said something to the effect that he would gladly hold on to any part of me only his wife - also buying a scarf ( they were lovely and very cheap) - might not like it.

For me, holidays follow a reversed normal distribution graph. I start full of energy, descend into a spaced out, contemplative dip, then slowly regain energy. As we are now in the middle, I am waiting for the climb to kick in. No sign of it yet.

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