
By Beewriter


Well, I am pleased to say I have had a very productive day. I was invited to a friend's for brunch, so I walked round. It was a lovely start to the day. 

When I arrived home I set to work on the spare bedroom. It is the room that everything is dumped in and when I say is piled up, boxes balanced on boxes, bags full of who knows what.....all the things I've hoarded and stored and not wanted to throw away. I decided to get rid of my desk. I tried to move it down the stairs and nearly had a terrible accident following in down....but I managed to drag it and me up and then I took it apart and sensibly took it downstairs in a few pieces.

I then took it to the tip. I couldn't believe how many people were there. I had to queue up to tip! It was quite sad to see my desk go as I got it for my twenty first....but I'm being ruthless. 

On my return I started sorting. I managed a bit before I was drawn into boxes of old photos. I collected a few to see how much I've changed and aged. From the baby to the fat teenager, from blonde to brown and now back to blonde again. 

I then found notes and books full of things I've written, I'm going to go through those tonight. As for the room....well I've done all I'm going to do for today, but I shall blitz tomorrow! 

Now.....well my neighbour has invited me round for a drinkie chin chin, blippers. 

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