For the birds

We left the sad Clanwilliam behind us early this morning - after having the freshest fruit salad ever for breakfast.  We drove through the centre of the rooibos industry for a few kilometres and on to drier, dustier and varied habitats.  
Bird Island in Lambert's Bay - the reason for this road trip was just incredible.  A breakwater led us to a very established bird hide where we were literally just metres from the gannets (one of my favourite birds by the way).  We watched their very elaborate system of taking off, holding patterns and  landing.  Their 'runway' was right under our noses.  What a treat.  They 'shared' their island with seals , three different species of cormorants, terns and of course gulls.  
By 11.30 were ready for lunch and ate at the only decent tavern in an otherwise very sad village.  A might fish platter was demolished.  
As we drove home we spotted ostriches, blue cranes, and other beautiful unidentifiable big birds.  
What a day! 
One extra, randomly, I have too many to choose from.  

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