
6.45 this morning. A voice from the bathroom, my eldest daughter shouting.

"Dad, I've got a nosebleed!"

Dad leaps out of bed and into the bathroom.

"Is it a bad one?"
"No, it's only little"
"Is it still bleeding?"
"No, it's stopped. Can I put the telly on?"
"Eh, don't you want me to do anything for you, you know, nosebleed-wise?"
"Nah, it's fine, you didn't need to get up"
"But you shouted for me"
"Oh yeah, I did didn't I"


Still, it got me up and about. Some jobs around the house and a big swim over lunchtime. That'll just about do me for today.

Been listening to some Russian dream pop that's come via Puerto Rico. That Song By Toad man put me on to it. It's floaty and breezy as owt.

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