Strange affliction wash over me

Another day at work for himself, and I decided not to waste another morning in bed. 

I bounced out (well that is a big fat lie)  I managed out the door by 8.50, and headed to work.  Yes, you heard correct. WORK. 

I did four hours in there, and then headed home.  Started prep on Dinner, had a quick shuffle to the shop because I hadn't got everything yesterday (stupidity) .  

Had a chat with Toolibelle,  Had some soup.  Cleaned the kitchen. And then started my crochet. 

I love these knives - they belong to himself - from his previous existence as a chef.   You buy good, they last a long time.    

There's nothing I love more than watching him cooking - I HATE him watching me cooking, but when he is cooking I am enthralled by his use of the knife and the way he creates.  

He hates the way I cook, hence I do not cook when he is about. 


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