Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

sweet to be home..

Firstly......thanks for all the comments on the lakes trip :) bad internet and battery exhaustion issues meant that I couldn't comment at the time so.... thanks from me!

After a lads night out and a few beers it was lovely to be at home for a change this morning. My lovely wife and I headed out to get a coffee and have a stroll around the usual market.

We casually looked over all the bits 'n' pieces and thingamabobs neatly arranged on the stalls. We perused the books and jewellery, stood and gaped at the watchamacallit's. Always good to have a wander. We held hands and smiled at each other.

The coffee shop called out to us and we sat chatting as the rain came down.

To the gym then for a solid workout and then home.

Next stop....Brother inlaws for tea and then off to the pictures.

Good to be home!

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