Hero in a Hi-Vis


The Boy has grown out of most of his jeans so I told him to be ready for a 9.30am trip to the Designer Centre. At 9.26 MrRoly went out to start the car and defrost it only to discover that it wouldn't start.

Deja Vu after last Christmas's rear window incident - bank holidays and broken cars don't mix well! I called Green Flag and an hour later their man arrived and diagnosed a flat battery. He also pointed out it was the original 10 year old battery!

I stopped googling hire cars/VW transporters and we rang around to find somewhere in Selby with a new battery in stock and the willingness to fit it straight away - with the engine running thanks to Mr Green Flag we didn't want to hang about!

Halfords did us proud - the poor chap you can just see had a job removing the battery, Renault don't make anything easy in their cars. Anyway, by 12.30 we were home again as if nothing had happened!

To celebrate we all went to the Designer Centre for a Wagamamas dinner! Mum admired my perseverance in fighting for a parking space but such was our excitement for noodles! We even managed to get jeans for The Boy, headphones for Princess and running gear for MrRoly without anyone getting bored or angry!!

My brother and his family arrived soon after and the second round of chaos kicked in. Highlights included 'Who Am I' and Charades round the dinner table.

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