A quiet Saturday
I took Gavin to the doctor this morning - he was still feeling pretty awful. The doctor prescribed antibiotics as Gavin has a chest infection and he was worried if it was left it could develop into pneumonia. He was also told that he must rest and cannot go back to work for at least a few more days next week. Interestingly he also prescribed drinking lemon juice, warm water and strength 10+ manuka honey - taken with some paracetamol it is apparently far better than Lemsip and other such things.
We got home in time to see Luke off - he is very excited and is hoping for good snow on his ski trip. He got the usual lecture from me about being sensible as one hears of horrible accidents when students are away on these trips (he received an email from his tutor to say someone in his college died at New Year by falling off the balcony of a high rise building in Tokyo watching the fireworks. We don't know the details but I do know that alcohol + silly behaviour = accidents!)
I have spent all day working on the photo book, except for when I walked Murdoch - it was dull and everything was dripping from the rain we had last night, so it seemed appropriate to choose a drippy shot for today.
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