Monkey 1-2-3-4-5

This is a way-back blip of negative I had converted to digital by ScanCafe. It's me in the gorilla suit with my wife, our 3 kids and one on our best friends.

1 little monkey
was goin' 2 the store
when he saw a banana 3
he'd never climbed be4.
By 5 o'clock that evenin'
he was 6 with a stomach ache
'cause 7 green bananas
was what that monkey 8.

By 9 o'clock that evenin'
that monkey was quite ill,
so 10 we called the doctor
who was 11 on the hill.
The doctor said, 'You're almost dead.
Don't eat green bananas no more.'
The sick little monkey groaned and said,

'But that's what I 1-2 the 3-4.

Shel Silverstein 

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