iWatch bands

With Amazon gift cards I got for doing MS surveys, I got these two iWatch bands for $1.70 including shipping. Yay.

I feel like I have gone nonstop all day. I picked up new air filters for the heating system. When checking out I got to chatting with a very nice gentleman. We were talking about where we used to live before here and the forecast for a winter freeze warning.

Dropped a package off for FedEx pick up (a return) and then went to lunch with Birgit. Was finally able to give her the Christmas things I had gotten her.

After lunch I needed to top off my fuel tank and because I filled it to the point of splashing, I then had to go wash the car!

Then to the grocery store to get a couple of items I want "just in case".

Once home I took down the Christmas flags from the front of the house/yard and put the regular flags out. Now I have just enough time to sit down and take a deep breath and then it will be time to leave for Kinston and dinner with Kent's siblings and their spouses.

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